Friday, November 12, 2010

Jonah passed out

Yesterday I made a mobile over Jonah's change table of smiley faces and swirls. He can't stop looking at them and smiling big smiles!! He even gives the faces bigger smiles then he gives us. But it is so cute. He is sleeping well at night and i wake him for his 11pm feed then i let him sleep till he wakes me up which is somewhere between 4-5am. Then he will go back to sleep till 7. Niki looks after him a few mornings a week while i go to gym and they are bonding so well. I came home yesterday and niki was playing the guitar and singing to Jonah:) Jonah couldn't take his eyes off Niki. This morning Jonah wouldn't take his milk and we were wondering why. I was worried that he was rejecting the bottle that he has been taking for the last 4 weeks. We decided to wait and try again. When we did he let big winds! and eventually pooed! ahh thats why he wasnt feeding hehe...big relief i dont have to go out and try different bottles. Im still breast feeding him and its going very well. When i want to go out or have niki feed him i'll express some milk into a bottle. Jonah doesnt mind either way! The last few days Jonah has been very sleepy! Its so funny, i'll try to keep him up to his bed time but he passes out before and its impossible to wake him! he's like a zombie, passed out!

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