Monday, November 29, 2010

Busy week!

Well Jonah has had the biggest week on his social calander for whole 2 months he has been alive! Monday, tuesday and Wednesday we were at the church for a special teaching on a very interesting topic to say the least ;) He slept through it all. Thursday he had a night in while Niki and I went to our very first movie together since he was born! We tried to go to a movie last week with him though they wouldnt let us in with the baby! Niki noted to them that the baby was asleep and wasnt going to watch, however rules are rules apparently. Friday night Niki's parents were down from Joberg and we all went to a German restaurant at the V&A waterfront. It was very loud with live music and lots of singing, Jonah slept through it all! On Saturday we had a wedding on in the afternoon which extended to the evening. By this stage he was getting a little niggely but managed to pull through, falling asleep at his bed time and allowing his parents to enjoy some handsfree moments:) Sunday morning we had church. It was a breakfast bri outside with everyone bringing scottles and food. However it was so windy and sunny that I ended up spending most of the time in the mothers room. The times we attempeted to join our community were pure anguish as the wind blew blankets off, annoyed Jonah and forced us back inside! By this stage i had had enough and went home to put Jonah to sleep. He slept all of 40 min of his 2.5 hours nap and then i spent the next 2 hours trying to attend to his different needs which included, wind, poo, wet, hungrey, wind, tired - sleep 20 min - hungry again! After a long week, not only for Jonah but for mummy too, i was at the end of my rope. Lucky Niki came home and took him off my hands so i could have a short nap:) Then back to church at night! This week will be very very quiet :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Routine at 6 weeks

I'm following Gina Ford's the contented baby book. She explains in detail the inner workings of baby's sleep and eating patterns and sets out a routine for the baby from the first week of life to toddler years. Im finding it great having a routine. However there are certain things that i dont quite understand. She says that if the baby wakes up around 6am, put him back to sleep till 7 after giving him half his 7am feed. It seems so simple, yet when Jonah wakes up at 6am (which is everyother day) he is wide awake! I do try and put him back to sleep, though it takes around 45 min and then its 7am. Gina ford will say this is ok. The thing is, Jonah is then so tired he can't stay awake till 9am his next sleep. I find he is falling asleep at 8 which then puts the whole day out by an hour. Normally people say, oh just let him sleep when he wants. But this presents the danger of him oversleeping during the day and then not sleeping at night. If i bring his routine foward buy an hour, he goes to bed at 6pm and may probably wake at 5am not to mention his feeding schedual is off which actually sets the entire course of his nap times. Gina Ford says that by sticking to his feeding times, he will adapt his sleep paterns accordingly. So there we have it, i should just stick to his feeding times and trust that he will adapt his sleep patern, which should fall in line with what the routine says! I wonder why i am getting so stressed over this. He needs his sleep and i hate to neglect him of it by trying to keep him awake till his recommended nap time. ahhh the joys!
His routine is as follows:

7am: wake/feed
10.30- feed (though he is still struggeling to get to 10.30. I normally start feeding at ten and give him the remander at 10.30
12pm sleep (though he hardly gets here, i put him down at 11.30 normally)
2pm - awake
5pm -wake/half feed
6.15- rest of feed
7pm -bed (though he rarely gets to 7. more like 6.30pm:)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Jonah passed out

Yesterday I made a mobile over Jonah's change table of smiley faces and swirls. He can't stop looking at them and smiling big smiles!! He even gives the faces bigger smiles then he gives us. But it is so cute. He is sleeping well at night and i wake him for his 11pm feed then i let him sleep till he wakes me up which is somewhere between 4-5am. Then he will go back to sleep till 7. Niki looks after him a few mornings a week while i go to gym and they are bonding so well. I came home yesterday and niki was playing the guitar and singing to Jonah:) Jonah couldn't take his eyes off Niki. This morning Jonah wouldn't take his milk and we were wondering why. I was worried that he was rejecting the bottle that he has been taking for the last 4 weeks. We decided to wait and try again. When we did he let big winds! and eventually pooed! ahh thats why he wasnt feeding hehe...big relief i dont have to go out and try different bottles. Im still breast feeding him and its going very well. When i want to go out or have niki feed him i'll express some milk into a bottle. Jonah doesnt mind either way! The last few days Jonah has been very sleepy! Its so funny, i'll try to keep him up to his bed time but he passes out before and its impossible to wake him! he's like a zombie, passed out!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

9th of November, 2010 - Jonah 6 week immunisation and Peaditrician visit

Wow how the weeks have flown! Jonah is now 6 weeks old and is changing everyday. On thursday he suddenly began to smile a lot and interact. he started sticking out his tounge. Its so nice to see him smile and interact a bit more. I was beginning to wonder if he was happy! He went for his 6week immunisation yesterday and he did so well. He is putting on weight and is a healthy 5.4kg. To me he looks like he is almost 3 months old. He is so strong and well built and lifts his head very well. The peaditrician today also commented on his strength. Jonah gave the doctor a big smile today when the doctor was testing his reflexes. The Pead initiated a little fall to test Jonah's reflexes and all Jonah did was smile as if it was fun! I said he is already showing his aussie spirit! At his immunisation however he screamed and his face went beatroot red. I suddenly got overwhelmed and i dont know where it came from but i also cried! hehe...Though it only lasted a moment. The nurse said that i probably haven't seen him screem so loud. But i actually have...when im trying to clear out his nose! Though he doesnt suffer with much congestion but when he does, he battles to breath. I always think its a victory when i manage to clear his nose, almost like managing to squeese a pimple! Gross! ok, thats too much information :) Im going to keep this blog updated with how Jonah is doing and hopefully you guys at home will get to read and keep up too date and even respond :) I know you see pictures on facebook, but here its purely devoted to Jonah and our family!