Sunday, December 26, 2010

3 Months Old

Tomorrow Jonah is 3 months old!!! Wow, we survived! Yesterday and today Jonah seems to have come alive. Although he was smiling and laughing before, now its 10x more. Yesterday niki was making him laugh so much just by pretending to eat his toes:) And today he will laugh even at the weird expressions i make on my face! He has also found his voice. Today he was talking so much in his own baby language. Yesterday, Christmas day, he went into the pool for the first time. Though it was cold and he did protest but eventually endured it it seemed, but today while having a braai with 2 couples from our community, their pool water was warm and he loved it! He is also outgrown his newborn baby carry bed. I couldn't believe how well he slept at a friends place on their bed. So there is now one thing we can give back that we have borrowed. Our little flat hardly has room for all Jonah's accessories:)
Jonah in the last week has also been reaching out and touching things. Though still with limited control, he at least  doesn't pull back when we try to hold his hand. The other day I was stroking his hand as he had it up in a high five position. This is a very big step:)
On another topic, everyone has conflicting ideas about who Jonah looks like. I can definately see that Jonah has my face shape. Though i think his features are very much his dad. 100% Daddy's lips, 100% Mummy's chin, not sure about the nose and i think he has Daddy's eyes, though people say mine. And hopefully he has inherited the Mackenzie height! He is definately a big boy. Very long. I met a 2 month old girl yesterday. O my word, half the size of my 3 month boy:)
Jonah I'm looking forward to the next 3 months. Just think, by 6 months you'll be double in size, you'll be sitting, eating solids and maybe even have a few teeth! Thank you God for this blessing in my life. You've given him to me to love and nuture and we give him back to you.