Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Routine at 6 weeks

I'm following Gina Ford's the contented baby book. She explains in detail the inner workings of baby's sleep and eating patterns and sets out a routine for the baby from the first week of life to toddler years. Im finding it great having a routine. However there are certain things that i dont quite understand. She says that if the baby wakes up around 6am, put him back to sleep till 7 after giving him half his 7am feed. It seems so simple, yet when Jonah wakes up at 6am (which is everyother day) he is wide awake! I do try and put him back to sleep, though it takes around 45 min and then its 7am. Gina ford will say this is ok. The thing is, Jonah is then so tired he can't stay awake till 9am his next sleep. I find he is falling asleep at 8 which then puts the whole day out by an hour. Normally people say, oh just let him sleep when he wants. But this presents the danger of him oversleeping during the day and then not sleeping at night. If i bring his routine foward buy an hour, he goes to bed at 6pm and may probably wake at 5am not to mention his feeding schedual is off which actually sets the entire course of his nap times. Gina Ford says that by sticking to his feeding times, he will adapt his sleep paterns accordingly. So there we have it, i should just stick to his feeding times and trust that he will adapt his sleep patern, which should fall in line with what the routine says! I wonder why i am getting so stressed over this. He needs his sleep and i hate to neglect him of it by trying to keep him awake till his recommended nap time. ahhh the joys!
His routine is as follows:

7am: wake/feed
10.30- feed (though he is still struggeling to get to 10.30. I normally start feeding at ten and give him the remander at 10.30
12pm sleep (though he hardly gets here, i put him down at 11.30 normally)
2pm - awake
5pm -wake/half feed
6.15- rest of feed
7pm -bed (though he rarely gets to 7. more like 6.30pm:)

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