Wednesday, April 27, 2011

7 Months old!

So i thought i better keep this going...its a cool place to jot down memories and other random things that happen in the world of parenting! Today Jonah is 7 months old! Niki and I are both seeing the changes in him, he is getting so big! and as if it was on Que, Jonah decided to enter the world of attachment bonding! Just in the last 3 days, whenever we leave the room, Jonah cries. This has extended to the dreaded night times now its not just the dummy he wants, its mummy! If i had my own place and the neighbors were just outside hearing distance, i would let him cry and go in occasionally. This will teach him to fall asleep without mummy, but unfortunately we live in a complex and we have neighbors above us and beside us. I know how annoying it was when there baby was up screaming half the night, so even 5 min of my one crying and my heart already goes out to them. This puts me in a  difficult situation, how do avoid Jonah developing a reliance on me to go back to sleep and avoid the neighbors getting upset at the same time? ... I think the neighbors might loose on this one!
Beside the sleep issue, Jonah is absolutely lovable. His smile makes me forget the night times! And he is such a boy, loves to play rough and rumble with mummy and daddy and thinks its so funny when we 'hurt' ourselves lol!
Jonah is eating 3 solid meals a day, with 4 milk feeds ... he has no teeth yet and they look a long way off...Jonah is also slow at crawling, but he loves to sit! Maybe by 9 months he will figure the whole crawling thing out!. Jonah also is demanding so much more, like if he wants more food, he will cry...if doesn't want to get out of the bath, he'll cry....he'll also cry when getting changed!!! In all these area's he is fussy! His winds are also still a little difficult to get up, sometimes his midday nap is cut short because of them.
We are going away on camp this weekend to swellendam...the overnight temps will be 4 degrees, and thats hoping it won't drop below that! Im nervous about Jonah...i can dress him warm, but still his little face is bare:( ...God please make it warm!
Anyways, i'll finish there...jonah at 7 months...just think in 2 more months he'll be 9 months old...a new milestone, hopefully he will have his first tooth by then and he will be crawling! the real parenting begins!

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